Simulator of the front of FrontEnd Testing System (FETS)
- Would you like to improve your work in the Processing Center?
- Would you like to test with minimal cost?
- So why waste time on anything else?
The main benefit of using our simulator is better and faster testing of your projects, which means:
- improving the reputation of your Processing Center (Bank);
- improving your reputation as an employee of the Processing Center (Bank);
- more loyal customer relationship to your Processing Center (Bank).
The development of banking services and the introduction of new banking products directly concerns the processing center. In the process of testing, the use of real devices, sometimes, is simply impossible. Trading terminals and ATMs require considerable time to configure, and it is problematic to conduct regression testing using real devices, since some cases are not easy to reproduce on them. We offer a unique product for testing processing centers, the main advantage of which is its versatility. On the one hand, it can emulate the operation of payment networks, and on the other – the operation of devices. You can use it to do the following:
- debugging;
- regression;
- load testing.
As a result, when using this emulator, you can save time and resources.
The product includes:
- ATM emulator;
- POS terminal emulator;
- payment system emulator;
- payment gateway emulator.
The product allows you to:
- Avoid using real devices (ATMs, POS-terminals) during testing, which significantly saves time;
- Perform various types of testing (functional, load, manual, automated);
- Create and edit tests for the user independently;
- Automatically monitor the correctness of created and processed tests;
- Adapt tests to the changes made to the front-end system;
- To work with the database of the test stand.
The main advantage of the product is:
- You decide how your front-end system should work;
- You create your own benchmark tests, which will be compared later.
Support for formatters is possible:
- DDC (ATM Diebold).
- ISO8583POS (POS Verifone, Ingenico).
- POS Hypercom.
- VISA (VIP Authorization only, VIP Full service, BaseI).
- MasterCard (Banknet).
The terms of implementation of other formatters are discussed individually. For the implementation of the formatters necessary documentation and examples of messages.